Important Features in a Progressed Chart ( Secondary progression )

The information below is a guideline that will help you identify the most important features in a progressed chart ( Secondary progression )
  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. ðŸ‘‰
1. Note whether the ascending sign is one of long ascension (Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius), or of short ascension (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini).

2. Individuals born with short ascension signs rising undergo far more changes in life and of direction than those born under signs of long ascension. Natives with short ascension signs rising often feel as though they have lived many different lives in one lifetime. 

3. Pick up a tables of houses and look under Aries Ascendant for 41N latitude. Note that it is quite possibly 16 lines in length, equaling 16 years of life. As you can see, once an individual’s chart progresses into Aries ascending, he or she will remain under the rulership of Mars for approximately 16 years. Now look under the same latitude for Libra rising and count the rows under the Libra Ascendant; they should total about 36 lines. This is equal to almost 36 years. It is easy to see how one with a high degree of Aquarius rising might progress through another four signs before he or she reaches the end of life. 

4. Each time your Ascendant changes signs through progression, it also changes rulers. You will always maintain the coloring of your natal Ascendant sign and ruler; however, the house and sign position of your progressed ruler will add a new dimension to your personality and your destiny. 

5. Those born with Cancer on the Ascendant will run the gamut of emotions and moods until their Ascendant changes to Leo. Natal and progressed Cancers should use not only their natal Moon as their Ascendant ruler but also the progressed Moon, which changes signs and houses every two and a half years. Natives with Cancer on the Ascendant by progression will experience these extreme changes of moods for approximately 30 years or more. 

6. The natal Sun will eventually change signs and natal houses by progression. However, the tenth house cusp and some of the other house cusps advance through the zodiac at approximately the same rate of speed as the Sun. In other words, the progressed Midheaven will always be at the same zodiacal distance from the progressed Sun as the natal Midheaven is from the natal Sun. 

7. Both Venus and Mercury vary in speed. They can change sign by progression and enter the next (or even two or three) adjoining natal house. 

8. The slower planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, can advance through as many as three progressed houses in one lifetime and possibly four if the planet in question is very close to a house cusp at birth. 

9. The most important feature to watch for is when progressed planets become angular, entering the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house. When considering the slower planets, one should be able to judge the approximate age. This is achieved by subtracting the longitudinal difference between the planet and the house cusp. 

10. A slow planet in the second house will eventually progress into the first house, bringing with it new self-centered interests. 

11. A slow planet in the natal ninth house will eventually progress into the tenth house, altering one’s goal in life. 

12. A slow planet in the natal eighth house will eventually progress into the seventh house, creating new interests in others. 

13. A slow planet in the natal fifth house will eventually progress into the fourth house, instilling changes in one’s home base. 

14. Note the possibility that any slow planet in a high degree of a sign could change sign by progression. Also pay close attention to any slow planets in a very low degree of a sign that through progression and retrograde motion could enter the previous sign (e.g., progressed retrograde Jupiter at 0 Aries moving to 29 Pisces). Either of these two incidents can bring about a major change of attitude, general mode of expression and, according to house position, new experiences and circumstances. For example, a single person born with Saturn at 29 Virgo advancing into 0 Libra through progression could experience a change in expectations of the marriage partner. Many with such an aspect may begin to think seriously of marriage (progressed Saturn in Libra) and welcome the responsibility that it may bring. The individual may select for a marriage partner one with a strong Capricorn coloring, such as Capricorn rising, Sun or Moon in Capricorn, or natal Saturn in the first house. Should Saturn receive unfavorable aspects and the individual is already married, he or she might now regard marriage as too restrictive or confining. Again, much depends upon the aspects that progressed Saturn in Libra receives from other planets at that time. 

15. A major transiting planet leaving a natal house will very shortly enter the same house in the progressed chart. 16. A slow moving transit (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) in aspect with a natal planet will in due time also aspect the same progressed planet. For example, transiting Jupiter at 24 Sagittarius trine natal Neptune at 24 Leo will, in a matter of a few weeks, also trine progressed Neptune at 27 or 28 Leo, depending upon the native’s age. 

17. As the progressed Moon changes into a new sign, make it a rule to keep a close watch on the planet that governs its sign position. For example, when the progressed Moon enters 0 Gemini, the condition of natal and progressed Mercury (planetary ruler of Gemini) should be carefully scrutinized. Will a progressed planet aspect either natal or progressed Mercury? Note any aspect from the major transits or an eclipse. All these insights will reinforce the activity of the progressed Moon in Gemini, especially if the progressed Moon is also actively involved with aspects to natal or progressed planets, major transits or an eclipse. 

18. Any time a sign changes on any house cusp through progression you will change your mode of expression and attitude toward that area of life. The following are some of the ways in which you may alter the situations of the houses in question:

To determine the timing of potential success or improvements in your situation, it would be helpful to look at your progress chart.
  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. ðŸ‘‰

By House System:

 First House:

 A new sign on the first house will change your mode of expression, hair style, general attitude and, in some cases, vocational interest. A major change is generally in store. Much depends upon the sign that is rising in the progressed chart. 

Second House: 

Your manner of saving or earning. Gemini, for example, progressing on the second may indicate more than one checking account, savings account or outlet for personal monetary gain. 

Third House: 

Your mental attitude and expression, both in speaking and writing. Changing relations with siblings. Scorpio for example, progressed on the third house cusp, may alter your thinking concerning death or sex due to an upsetting experience through either one. 

Fourth House: 

Changes in the home base. Children move in or out. You share your home or apartment with a love relationship or a roommate. There is the possibility of change in the health of a parent. 

Fifth House: 

Children, yours or those of others, play a prominent role. Some marry an individual with children, while others become teachers or work with gifted children. This is also the house of creativity and hobbies, so latent abilities can become activated. 

Sixth House:

 A flare-up of a different kind of health problem. For example, an individual may suddenly develop kidney stones due to progressed Libra on the sixth if there are heavy transits in Libra in the progressed sixth, such as Pluto and Saturn or Venus, ruler of the progressed sixth, receiving difficult aspects. Signs changing on the progressed sixth may indicate new work-related duties. Dealings with aunts and uncles and domestic pets. 

Seventh House: 

A change of attitude toward the present spouse for the better or the opposite. Some take on a partner, and others marry. 

Eighth House: 

Changes concerning your sexual attitude. Some make permanent arrangements to avoid having children. If you have not previously dealt with insurance companies, you may do so during the coming years. 

Ninth House:

 In-laws may play an important role. Travel or higher education come to the fore. Others take an interest in sports or a health spa. Legal or religious matters may become activated. 

Tenth House: 

You begin to look for new goals in life. A possible change of vocation or a change of department in the company of your employ. New bosses are introduced. Interaction with parents changes. Some graduate from high school or college, and others join the armed forces. 

Eleventh House: 

Friends take on a new perspective. Some join clubs and organizations or become an elected officer of an association. 

Twelfth House: 

The changing role of secret enemies. Whom can you no longer confide in. What have you become sensitive to in the way of drugs or medication? What are your latest secret fears? What do you now use as a means of escapism from troubled times? Whom will be hospitalized or imprisoned, if anyone? These are most of the important features of a progressed chart, the basic changes that may affect your attitude, mode of expression, circumstances and general environment. 

✍(◔◡◔) NEXT POST will cover the crucial indicators that help to reveal major events or trends that can alter the life of the individual or those within his or her immediate surroundings.


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