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Good communication is the key to many successful relationships. However, this union between MERCURY( You ) and NORTH NODE ( Your Partner )  Square Aspect in Synastry  is fraught with misunderstandings.  When the Mercury of one person forms a Square aspect with the North Node in another person's birth chart, it can have both positive and challenging effects on their relationship, whether it's a romantic or a friendly one.. 

Your RISING SIGN Personality Profile Score As Written by the Star

Summary: Sun : Your core identity and life purpose. Moon : Your emotional self and inner world. Ascendant : Your outer self, how others perceive you. 1. Sun Sign (Core Identity) What it represents : The Sun sign is your core essence or identity—what drives and motivates you. It represents your ego, willpower, and life force. This is often the sign people are most familiar with because it's based on your birth date and is the sign typically referred to in horoscopes. Influence : It reflects your general personality, purpose, and the qualities you're most comfortable expressing. It's your inner self, how you see yourself, and your main approach to life. Example : If you're a Leo Sun, you might feel confident, creative, and naturally drawn to leadership roles or being in the spotlight. 2. Moon Sign (Emotional Nature) What it represents : The Moon sign governs your emotions, subconscious, and how you respond to the world emotionally. It reflects your inner emotional need

Harmonious and Hot Synastry Aspect in Astrological Chart

❤  Harmonious #SynastryAspects  : Moon trine/sextile Moon :  You feel comfortable around these people and you can easily understand each other

VENUS - MOON Synastry/Composite in TRINE Aspect

Compatibility is the key theme to this combination of personal planets.  This is an ideal combination for an intimate relationship. MOON ( Your Partner ) and VENUS ( You )  TRINE Aspect in Synastry or Composite Chart, feel comfortable with each other, confident that they understand each other's feelings and share a common bond.  When these two planets are in Trine aspect , their energies flow together smoothly and supportively, creating a sense of emotional understanding and comfort between the individuals involved.          They may even feel that they have found their soul-mate, someone who understands them at a deep level and in whose company they take great pleasure. It's likely that  MOON ( Your Partner )  and VENUS ( You )  have a lot in common and enjoy sharing their personal life and pastimes.  Romance is at the heart of this relationship.  MOON ( Your Partner )  and VENUS ( You )  delight in spending time together pursuing artistic pleasures, visiting the theatre, art


This is a difficult combination of the planet Mercury ( You )  and the asteroid Chiron ( Your Partner ) Semisquare Aspect in Synastry.  Semisquare in synastry or composite is a challenging but potentially transformative aspect. It can indicate somewhat challenging aspect of communication and healing between the two individuals or the relationship itself. Mercury ( You )  and  Chiron ( Your Partner )  have difficulty communicating in a manner that is rewarding. 

How bad is it really to date someone incompatible to yours?

What Astrologers Actually Look For When They're Checking For Compatibility There are many other planets to look at like each person’s Moon sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn, and how they interact with each other. This is information you get from knowing someone's exact date, place, and time of birth.  Astrologers do synastry readings to compare two people's birth charts. But the best method is by using the date of your mirrage. it give accurate reading if the budding relationship will really succeed

MERCURY - MOON Synastry/Composite in TRINE Aspect

This is an ideal Synastry or Composite combination for a personal relationship in which two people enjoy ease of communication.  MOON ( Your Partner ) and MERCURY ( You ) in Trine Aspect , enjoy each other's company because they are able to communicate comfortably. They enjoy discussions and are not concerned about arguments. Many personal relationships fail simply because two people are unable to communicate both their thoughts and feelings.