CAPRICORN WOMAN: The Sign of Sexual Restraint

Capricorn woman is a class act. 

The most self-composed, least showy lady in the zodiac, she is an understatedly elegant character, largely unimpressed by "externals" such as fame, high finances, or family pedigree. Self-respect is of prime importance—largely unswayed by others' opinions of her, she focuses on cultivating a quality of life distinguished by moral courage and a quest for spiritual knowledge. 

On this score, reputation is paramount to her, determined as she is to be valued as a person of substance. Life, the way she sees it, is a long, hard road that requires pacing and careful negotiation. No frivolous risk-taker, Capricorn lives in infamy for being purposeful, even premeditated. Circumspection, however, is the particular key to her success—she never ventures what she's unsure to gain. Instead, she deliberately takes signature baby steps toward success, avoiding shortcuts that might bring about a meteoric rise in either her professional or personal pursuits. 

Capricorn believes nothing worth achieving comes easily; that is, not without the proverbial other shoe eventually dropping. She takes a similar attitude to love and sex, rarely if ever rushing into relationships, but rather letting bonds blossom over time. She is drawn to a man with creative intelligence and a strong inner life, appealing to a guy's need for a meaningful long-haul relationship. 

Capricorn is the consummate significant other—one look in her eyes and it's clear she won't be trifled with. Her same-sex relationships tend to be less loaded: Notoriously attracted to younger women, she easily maintains a casual but erotically charged bond.


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