Observation about Earth Sign ♉ TAURUS

Observations about Earth Sign Taurus by Element and Modality

Taurus is not only influenced by its element (Earth) but also by its modality (Fixed). Understanding both aspects provides a more comprehensive picture of Taurus characteristics.

1. Grounded and Practical (Element: Earth)

  • Elemental Influence: As an Earth sign, Taurus is deeply grounded and practical. This element endows Taurus with a strong sense of reality and a focus on the material aspects of life.
  • Practicality: Taurus individuals are known for their practicality and their ability to handle the physical and financial aspects of life efficiently.

2. Stability and Reliability (Element: Earth & Modality: Fixed)

  • Elemental Influence: Earth signs are characterized by their stability and reliability. Taurus, in particular, embodies these traits to a great extent.
  • Fixed Modality: The Fixed modality adds to Taurus's stability, making them even more reliable and consistent.
  • Dependability: People born under Taurus are often seen as dependable and trustworthy, making them reliable friends and colleagues.

3. Sensuality and Appreciation for Beauty (Element: Earth)

  • Elemental Influence: The Earth element connects Taurus to the physical and sensory world.
  • Sensuality: Taurus individuals have a heightened appreciation for beauty, comfort, and luxury. They are often drawn to art, music, good food, and all forms of physical pleasure.
  • Nature Lovers: Their connection to the Earth also means they often have a deep appreciation for nature and the outdoors.

4. Perseverance and Determination (Element: Earth & Modality: Fixed)

  • Elemental Influence: Earth signs are known for their determination and endurance.
  • Fixed Modality: The Fixed modality enhances Taurus's tenacity and determination.
  • Persistence: Taurus exemplifies these traits with a strong will and a persistent nature. Once they set their mind to something, they are incredibly hard to deter.

5. Material Security and Wealth (Element: Earth)

  • Elemental Influence: Earth signs have a natural inclination towards material security.
  • Financial Savvy: Taurus individuals are often good at managing finances and are motivated to build a stable and comfortable life. They value financial security and work diligently to achieve it.

6. Patience and Calmness (Element: Earth)

  • Elemental Influence: The Earth element contributes to Taurus's calm and patient demeanor.
  • Composure: Taurus is known for their calm, composed nature. They are not easily ruffled and can remain steady and patient even in stressful situations.

7. Resistance to Change (Element: Earth & Modality: Fixed)

  • Elemental Influence: Earth signs can sometimes be resistant to change due to their preference for stability.
  • Fixed Modality: This modality makes Taurus even more resistant to change, as they prefer consistency and routine.
  • Stubbornness: Taurus individuals can be quite stubborn, preferring familiar routines and resisting sudden changes. This trait can sometimes be a double-edged sword, providing stability but also causing inflexibility.

8. Loyalty and Commitment (Modality: Fixed)

  • Fixed Modality: The Fixed modality is associated with loyalty and commitment.
  • Steadfastness: Taurus individuals are incredibly loyal and committed in their relationships, whether personal or professional. They value long-term commitments and work hard to maintain them.

#Taurus keys to success 

All Taureans are not alike! The decanate (10-day period) you were born in reveals the talents most likely to bring you success. 

Look below for your birthdate, or if born on a dividing date, the traits before or after that fit you best 

April 20 - 30:You are the most typical Taurus, endowed with a ... ---->>

Midas Touch and the determination to achieve the finer things of life. Venus is doubly strong in your chart, denoting a keen artistic sense that is valued in any creative field. Warm and charming, you must resist the temptation to be indul-gent at times. 

May 1- 10: Flexible Virgo qualities complement the fixity of your Tau-rus nature. You are persevering and staunch, yet able to see others' points of view easily. You have a keen ability to analyze needs and provide valuable services to others, and your excellent verbal skills can help you gain riches. Guard against being critical of your self and others. 

May 11- 20:Your Taurus money sense is especially keen. Strengthened by the business and executive qualities of Capricorn, your Bull determination and strong sense of duty can take you far up the ladder of success. Protective of your loved ones, you must guard against feeling overly responsible for them.


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