If #VIRGO Married to a Scorpio

 The Journey Within 

Ah, well, here we are, you think as you  Virgo and your Scorpio partner sit across the dinner table from each other. Now what?

This is the beginning of an inner dialogue that is as familiar to you as your own skin. What? Why? Where? When? How? Your mental agility and quickness are like finely tuned instruments, and your attention to detail may be unsurpassed in the zodiac. As a result, you tend to delve as deeply into whatever interests you. In this regard, you and Scorpio are ideally matched. In fact, this combination—with a few minor adjustments—should work well. 

You, like Gemini, are ruled by Mercury, the planet that governs communication and travel. Not surprisingly, communication is important to you and some Scorpios aren’t particularly communicative—unless it’s through telepathy! You Virgo and Scorpio probably worked out the communication business while you were dating, but in the event that it’s still a diamond in the rough, get busy. You’ll have to convince Scorpio about the value of verbalizing what he feels when he feels it and not a week later. And you, in turn, should keep in mind that the two of you don’t have to discuss every little detail—even though you would like to! One possible minefield in this combination? You’re extremely self-critical, Virgo, and that critical streak sometimes is turned on other people. Don’t criticize Scorpio unless it is really important to draw her attention to something.


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