The solar revolution chart is the birthday chart drawn up for the precise moment of the Sun's return to its natal position and for the place where one is at that moment. 

The solar revolution evokes the general climate of the year and informs us about the events that will mark it. Although very relevant in itself, it is advisable to carefully compare it to the natal chart, as well as to study the directions and secondary progressions in parallel; the important facts will, in fact, often be highlighted by several prediction methods. 

It is therefore necessary to proceed in stages: 


1. Study the solar revolution itself, as one studies a natal chart, noting the position of the Ascendant's ruler, the angularities, etc., paying particular attention to the possible positions that would repeat those already present in the natal chart and the aspects that would put in relation planets already linked in the natal. Observe the aspects of the Sun and the ruler of the revolutionary Ascendant, as well as the positions of the rulers of the Ascendant and Midheaven of the radical chart, as well as those of the other radical Houses rulers. Generally speaking, we must keep in mind what each planet 

means according to the Houses it rules in the natal chart. We can already draw some interesting observations from this first analysis. 

It should be noted that, according to tradition, the situation and aspects of the "ruler of the year", i.e. the ruler of the revolutionary Ascendant, would be of great importance and would allow one to judge the potential of the year under study. The meanings of the natal House in which the ruler of the year falls are highlighted and are often related to the main event of the year. 

The angular planets "color' the revolution; therefore, it is important to note whether any angular planets in the revolution are benefic or malefic in nature. 

2. Superimpose the revolutionary chart and the natal chart by looking in which natal Houses the Ascendant and the Midheaven of revolution fall; proceed in the same way for the other cusps of the revolutionary chart as well as for the main significators of the revolution. Thus, if, for example, the revolutionary chart presents a Sun-Moon conjunction, it is not only necessary to note the House of revolution, but also the natal House in which this conjunction falls. 

Consider the aspects formed between the revolution and the radical and, above all, observe if a planet of revolution occupies the position of a planet or a point of the natal chart, or its own natal position, admitting a few degrees of orb; these "returns" are very important; take into account what the planets in question mean, according to its rulership in the natal chart Observe in which house of revolution this return is made. Generally speaking, one must detect the clues that converge towards the same fact and, as in the natal chart, never conclude on the basis of an isolated position. 

3. Compare your observations with the directions and the progressed chart. Very often, it will be found that different techniques overlap as to the relationships between certain planets. These comparisons are essential, because they allow to define the crucial elements and to synthesize the general potential of the studied year, by avoiding to get lost in the details or the contradictions. It should be noted that the directions prevail over the aspects of the solar revolution in case there is a contra-diction; thus, if the directions are very bad, good aspects in the solar revolution can, at best, only mitigate the evil indicated by the directions. In case of doubt, the natal chart will decide. 

After having analyzed and synthesized these data, note the major transits of the heavy planets in relation to the radical chart, paying a particular attention to the transits repeating an aspect of the natal, revolution or progression. It is also necessary to consider the transits of the Sun and the fast planets in relation to the revolution chart, especially the transits of the Sun by conjunction and by opposition to the places of the revolution significators. In this sense, we can consider the solar revolution as a clock with the Sun as the hand, which indicates the crucial periods of the year. From these data, we can draw a calendar for the whole year. 

It is important to keep in mind that a revolutionary chart can only signify facts promised by the natal chart; thus, it is essential to define the possibilities and potentials of the radix before concluding anything for a given year. 

It is also important to know that a bad aspect in a revolution is beneficial if the two 

planets are in good aspect in the natal chart; thus, this bad aspect can express the things promised by the good radical aspect. The opposite is also true: a good aspect in revolution can be harmful if both planets are in bad aspect in the natal chart. 

SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house 
1ST || 2ND || 3RD || 4TH || 5TH || 6TH || 7TH || 8TH || 9TH || 10TH || 11TH || 12TH ||


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