MERCURY - URANUS Synastry in SQUARE Aspect

A lively and unpredictable relationship is the result of this Mercury ( You ) and Uranus ( Your Partner ) Synastry combination of planets in Square or Opposition Aspect. 
  • 👉 Synastry, also known as the relationship astrology, is an interpretation of any established relationships, be it professional, marital, romantic relationships, or others between individuals..
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MERCURY ( You ) Opposition URANUS ( Your Partner ) enjoy the meeting of two minds and the sense of freedom that they experience in each other's company. At first they both enjoy the tension that crackles between them, but this soon becomes irritating. 

The problem is that there is no peace to be experienced in this relationship. The constant tension of two people having different ideas is a challenge. What seemed like a meeting of two minds soon becomes a clashing of two minds. Another obstacle to a close bond is a lack of commitment. 

As the relationship develops MERCURY ( You ) Opposition URANUS ( Your Partner ) realise that it is difficult for them to predict the outcome of their union. 

In particular MERCURY ( You ) experiences discomfort because of URANUS ( Your Partner ) unreliability. Even if URANUS ( Your Partner ) is usually a reliable person, he seems unable to be constant in his association with MERCURY ( You ). This is a difficult combination for a personal relationship, although it can work depending on other aspects of the relationship. It is difficult to find a balance in a friendship or work association.

By Element:

  1. Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):

    • Traits: Passionate, impulsive, action-oriented.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Caution or Patience: Fire signs might struggle to believe in taking things slowly or being overly cautious. They prefer to jump in and take action rather than wait and analyze.
  2. Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

    • Traits: Practical, grounded, materialistic.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Abstract Concepts: Earth signs might find it hard to believe in things that lack tangible proof, like abstract philosophies or spiritual ideas without practical application.
  3. Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

    • Traits: Intellectual, communicative, social.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Emotion Over Logic: Air signs may not put much stock in decisions based purely on emotion or intuition, preferring logic and reason instead.
  4. Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

    • Traits: Emotional, intuitive, sensitive.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Cold Logic: Water signs may struggle to believe in decisions made without emotional consideration, finding it hard to trust something that doesn't "feel" right.

By Modality:

  1. Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn):

    • Traits: Initiators, leaders, movers.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Stagnation: Cardinal signs often have difficulty believing in staying still or not taking action. They need to be doing something, leading, or initiating.
  2. Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius):

    • Traits: Stubborn, determined, stable.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Change: Fixed signs might resist believing in the need for change, holding onto their routines, beliefs, or positions with great determination.
  3. Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces):

    • Traits: Adaptable, flexible, changeable.
    • What They Might Not Believe In:
      • Rigidity: Mutable signs may struggle to believe in strict rules, inflexible systems, or anything that doesn't allow for adaptability and change.


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