Crucial Indicators in the Progressed Chart ( Secondary progression )

Important events are always accompanied by aspects that involve both natal and progressed charts, planets and angular house cusps. 

The following guidelines are just a few of the various configurations to help you recognize the major trends or changes about to take place. 
  • To calculate a progress chart (Secondary Progression), you can use an ephemeris or a transit chart. However, I suggest using a transit chart. For example, if you are 30 years old now, look back at the transit chart for the first 30 days of your life. For comprehensive reading πŸ‘‰
1. Progressed aspects take precedence over the heavy major transits. For example, should the progressed Sun form a square aspect with natal Saturn in the second house of money, and perhaps transiting Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto are trine that same natal Saturn, monetary depletion and restriction will prevail. Major transits may assist in preventing bankruptcy or provide some kind of help from other sources, but not enough to offset the heavy financial drain. This aspect will stay in force until the progressed Sun has left the aspect to both natal and progressed Saturn. 

2. One, two or three progressed aspects does not indicate a major crisis, even if all three are semisquares or squares. It takes at least five and generally more progressed aspects to create a serious trend, such as a heart attack, cancer, car accident or the loss or illness of someone close to the native. Three progressed square aspects may indicate mental depression due to a slow-down in business, job loss or parental responsibilities. 

3. Look deeper into the progressed chart if two of those three progressed aspects afflicted either the natal or progressed Ascendant degree or the natal or progressed Midheaven degree. 

4. Aspects to either the Midheaven or the Ascendant degree do not individually specify an event. Rather, either one may do so. It is as though their main role in progression is to provide the triggering effect for other progressed aspects in force at the same time. 

5. If the natal chart has been rectified or proven accurate through past events, the following four points should be given more strength in comparison with progressed aspects between planets: natal Ascendant degree; progressed Ascendant degree; natal Midheaven degree; progressed Midheaven degree. The more aspects that are formed with the above four major points, the more active the year ahead will be. For example, a progressed planet in sextile aspect with the natal Ascendant while the progressed Midheaven forms a trine aspect with a natal planet indicates a very promising, successful year ahead, and should offset or cushion any major squares forming between progressed and natal planets. 
  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. πŸ‘‰
6. Important events often occur when two planets, one natal and one progressed, are within one degree or exact in aspect with one another, and both rule the same house, one in the natal and the other in the progressed. Judge according to aspect. If square, semisquare or opposition, a difficult problem will have to be overcome. Sextiles and trines bring an easy flow of conditions and beneficial events. 

7. Important events occur when two planets rule the same house and are in the same degree but do not aspect each other. Generally an eclipse, lunation or major transit may adversely aspect one planet while favorably aspecting the other, bestowing the ability to overcome the problem in relation to the house in question. 

8. Important events occur when two planets rule the same house, one natal and one progressed and two different major transits aspect both. Judge accordingly. For example, a native has Aries on his second house of money with natal Mars at 12 Leo and transiting Uranus at 12 Sagittarius trine the ruler of his natal second. His progressed second house of money has Taurus on the cusp; progressed Venus is at 15 Virgo and transiting Saturn at 15 Scorpio is sextile the ruler of the progressed second. This native will have more than one outlet for financial gain and through diversified areas, due to transiting Uranus and Saturn. 

9. Watch for an eclipse, lunation or major transit to occupy a house, natal or progressed, and in turn aspect the ruler of the other chart. For example, if an eclipse takes place in the natal sixth and is square the ruler of the progressed sixth, this is verification of a sixth house event. Job loss or health setbacks are possible. 

10. The progressed Sun moves at a steady rate of one degree per year. A conjunction to natal or progressed Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter is not altogether dangerous. The progressed Mercury or Venus may conjoin the natal Sun, Moon or Jupiter. This linkage of two planets indicates they are coloring one another and emphasizing a condition. Look in the current year’s ephemeris for any solar or lunar eclipse or major transit that may affect this conjunction, favorably or unfavorably. 

11. The Sun and Moon often act as springboards. If the progressed Ascendant or Midheaven forms an aspect with the natal or progressed Sun or Moon and the luminaries receive an aspect from other planets, progressed, natal or transiting, these can be reflected directly to the progressed Ascendant or Midheaven. 

12. The progressed Sun’s mean motion is approximately one degree per year. At age 45, the progressed Sun will semisquare its own natal position. It is for this reason that very few individuals pass their 45th year of birth without a major crisis touching their life. If not personally, through surgery or accident, then perhaps a close member of the family. The balance of the chart at the progressed 45th year should be taken into consideration to disclose whom the event may involve. Pay close attention to any other progressed aspects that may be in force at that time and particularly note the major transits in close aspect to the natal or progressed planets. Weigh carefully any solar or lunar eclipse during that year for possible reinforcement. 

13. The Sun is a luminary and never retrogrades; therefore, we can count on its mean motion of one degree per year to semisquare its own position at age 45. Progressed Venus, Mercury or Mars can also semisquare its own natal position, but an exact age cannot be so easily determined. This is due to the variation of speed of these three planets. There is also the possibility of them turning retrograde, which can deny the remote possibility of a semisquare aspect to itself. The easiest way to determine whether any of these planets will semisquare themselves is to add 45 degrees to their natal position. If, for example, natal Venus is at 18 Leo, it will semisquare its own position when it progresses to 3 Libra. Glance at the ephemeris for the year of birth and note when progressed Venus will reach 3 Libra. Should progressed Venus turn retrograde before it reaches Libra, it may never semisquare its own natal position. 

14. The periods when progressed Venus, Mercury or Mars turn stationary direct or stationary retrograde are most important. It is during this time that they will remain at the same degree for a prolonged stay. If, for example, progressed Venus turns retrograde at 23 Virgo and in turn should trine natal Moon at 23 Taurus, this kind of aspect can last as long as 8 to 10 years. The trine aspect may bring the native to the public’s notice and keep it there indefinitely, but not without some drawbacks due to the retrograde motion of progressed Venus. The same would hold true for the mental application of progressed Mercury and the energy level of progressed Mars. 

15. What constitutes the danger of a possible accident or surgery is when progressed Mercury or Mars retrogrades to its own natal position and at the same time receives difficult aspects from progressed Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun or progressed Moon. For example, natal Mars might be at 12 Gemini and progressed to 15 Gemini, at which time progressed Mars turns retrograde. Fifteen to 20 years later, depending upon the retrograde motion of progressed Mars, it returns to its natal position at 12 Gemini. This may be the year in which the progressed Ascendant reaches 12 Virgo or a solar eclipse is at 12 Sagittarius, either one afflicting both natal and progressed Mars. 

16. Major transits, eclipses and lunations should be applied to one’s progressed chart. A New Moon may trine a planet in the natal second and bring a forgotten refund check. However, if that same New Moon happens to square the progressed ruler of the progressed second, or a planet therein, there can be car or appliance problems that take that beautiful check out the door as fast as it came in. 

17. Some individuals seem to achieve public recognition and remain in the limelight for a longer span of time than others. This often results from the progressed tenth house cusp favorably aspecting a slow natal planet and then in turn aspecting the progressed position of that same slow planet. For example, progressed Midheaven at 6 Aquarius applying to a sextile aspect with natal Uranus at 7 Aries by itself would indicate a three year trend of career advancement and job potential (one degree applying, one exact and another separating). However, should the native be mature in years, it is possible that natal Uranus has advanced to 9 Aries. This would extend the time in the public limelight for several more years while the progressed Midheaven reaches 8 Aquarius and applies to the sextile aspect of progressed Uranus. By the time the progressed Midheaven leaves the separating aspect with progressed Uranus, career potential would have had a better than average chance of becoming well established due to the prolonged favorable aspects. 

18. Just as the progressed tenth house cusp can indicate the career peak of an individual, so can the major transits. Have you ever noticed the comeback of an older stage or screen star who remains in the public eye for a longer period of time? With older individuals, the tenth house cusp progresses further into the zodiac, thereby holding the major transits at the Midheaven for a greater span of time. For example, one with 10 Sagittarius on the Midheaven natally and transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius along with transiting Uranus also in Sagittarius can give a tremendous boost or lift to one’s career. If through progression this native has 6 Aquarius on the progressed tenth house, his or her career and public image will be enhanced and remain intact from the time transiting Uranus reaches the natal tenth house cusp until it leaves the progressed tenth house cusp in Aquarius. This is equivalent to approximately 13 years for Uranus -four years of Sagittarius on the natal tenth, seven years while in the progressed ninth and the two years that it enters the progressed tenth. This transit of Uranus will be the career culmination. Transiting Jupiter, on the other hand, will enhance this native’s career for a three year span - one year while in the natal tenth house of Sagittarius, one year while transiting in the progressed ninth in Capricorn and finally reaching its peak when entering the progressed tenth house in Aquarius. 

19. A stressful condition or one that can be gainful depending upon the aspects occurs when two different planets ruling the same house are highlighted during the progressed year by both being simultaneously in aspect with other planets. For example, the natal ruler of the sixth is aspected by a progressed planet while the progressed ruler of the progressed sixth is aspected by a different planet, natal or progressed. 

20. The role of the progressed Moon is to time the events promised by the other progressed aspects in force during the same progressed year. A solar or lunar eclipse conjoined with the progressed Moon is an important configuration. Give serious consideration to all aspects - natal, progressed and transiting planets that this conjunction may aspect. 

21. Personal involvements in which the individual is directly or indirectly affected, generally include more than one aspect to the following points: aspects to the natal Ascendant degree; aspects to the progressed Ascendant degree; aspects to the natal Midheaven degree; aspects to the progressed Midheaven degree. Afflicting aspects to several of these four main points require careful study and consideration of both natal and progressed charts for the year ahead. 

22. Another configuration that may affect the individual directly would be the progressed Ascendant in semisquare aspect with the natal Ascendant’s degree. In the case of short ascension, it is possible for the progressed Ascendant to square the natal Ascendant’s position somewhere between the ages of 50 and 60. If a long ascension sign is rising, the progressed Ascendant will not square its natal position until after the individual is 90 years of age. 

23. Look also for the Midheaven to semisquare or square the natal or progressed Ascendant. Or the natal or progressed Ascendant to semisquare or square the natal or progressed Midheaven. Sextiles and trines are of course very beneficial in their nature and help to soften the hard aspects. 

24. Look for the possibility of the progressed Ascendant adversely aspecting its own ruler, natal or progressed. For example, suppose the progressed Ascendant at 18 Libra is square natal Venus at 18 Cancer, ruler of the progressed Ascendant. Should the aspect be a sextile or trine, it can be most beneficial. A man’s chart had progressed Ascendant at 24 Taurus trine natal Venus at 24 Virgo, ruler of the progressed Ascendant; he came into a large sum of money that year. 

25. The progressed Midheaven in an afflicting aspect with its own ruler is just as devastating as if it were the Ascendant sign and just as beneficial with the favorable aspects. 26. A progressed planet in aspect with either the natal Ascendant or the natal Midheaven and ruling its sign position will produce the same results and the previously mentioned aspects. Note: The chapter on important features discloses the basic changes occurring in one’s progressed chart that could affect the general environment and mode of expression. 

The Article on crucial indicators reveals major events governing marriage, birth, surgery, vocation, finances and, in some cases, the loss of a family member.
In terms of timing or to determine the timing of potential success or improvements in your situation, it would be helpful to look at your progress chart., Progress Chart ( secondary progressions ) or Solar return can provide some insights into the unfolding of your life.
  • WHAT these influences are, and WHEN we will have to deal with them. The PROGRESSED CHART ( Secondary progression ) provides that information: the WHAT, the WHEN,  and Sometime I tell HOW. it also tells us HOW LONG! will remain in those status. πŸ‘‰


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