Zodiac Sign – Healing Crystals Birthstone Charms

Carefully curated box of 6 specially selected identified stones for the  Zodiac.


Every zodiac has a range of stones that are said to bring the best energy, fortune and good vibes to the individual. This crystal set is the perfect one to kick of your journey or to add to your already ridiculously massive crystal collection.

Detailed card inside describing the benefits of each stones. No need to look up the meaning of your healing crystals. We’ve done all the work for you and have crafted a nifty guide that will answer all your questions about what the stones are and what they can do for you.

Carry them with you, sleep with them nearby, meditate with them! The possibilities are endless.


Could wearing your birthstone help bring you a year of healing?

Experts believe that the concept of birthstones dates back to biblical times. It is said that as early as the first century, Romano-Jewish historian, Josephus, discovered a connection between the 12 stones of high priest Aaron’s breastplate, the zodiac signs, and the months of the year. The custom of actually wearing these stones originated around the 16th century in Poland, where it was fashionable to wear a different one every month.

Your Most Lucky day for this Month of  2021

Accident Proneness: When this category is highlighted, there is a great deal of instability and impatience. Any group of people that has been feeling angry for sometime could suddenly erupt in violence now. The antidote to hostility now is to quickly and tangibly make real progress in correcting problems that are frustrating people. Decisive, positive action now by world leaders is supported and
appreciated at this time..

2020-2021             SEARCH MORE  your Sign            

How do birthstones actually work? Read more --->>


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