If #AQUARIUS Married to a Scorpio

Paradigm Busters Just to be clear from the get-go, there’s no such thing as a typical Aquarian. You already knew that, of course, but are nonetheless delighted to hear it. You’re a true nonconformist, as much a rebel as Sagittarius and often as inscrutable as Scorpio. Aquarius,

You’re a visionary who sees opportunity where others may see only obstacles and hardship. Other people—even your Scorpio partner—may see you as a bundle of contradictions. But the bottom line is fairly simple: no one can tell you what to do or how to do it, and you refuse to accept something as true just because someone tells you so. 

In this regard, you and Scorpio, both fixed signs, are on the same page. 

This combination may not be one of the easiest, but it’s certainly one of the most intriguing. The main impediment to harmony is that you, Aquarius, are a communicator who can talk about what you think or feel—or both—at any time. Scorpio is more reticent. The planets that rule your respective signs hold significant clues about how this marriage works. 

Aquarius, a fixed air sign, is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs abrupt, unforeseen change, your individuality, genius, eccentricity, breaks with tradition and old patterns. 

Scorpio is ruled by transformative Pluto and co-ruled by Mars, which governs our physical energy and sexuality. You each have something to bring to the proverbial table, and you both prize your freedom and independence. But because you’re both fixed signs, compromise may be difficult to achieve. Let’s take a look at the potential hot spots and how they can be mitigated.


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